Thursday, 29 August 2019

my Saturn


  1. Hi Isaiah. It's me Jack from Room 7. I like your, and I think it has good info. I like you made your buttons move, but how did you move them? What is it hard trying to make your
    Check out my blog if you want to.
    Here is the link:
    Blog you later! Bye -Jack

    1. No, it wasn't hard making the buttons move. It was actually really easy and I found about 74 facts and took some of them and put them into the little buttons so no it wasn't hard making the buttons move but it was hard researching a lot of facts but thanks for checking out my blog and see you soon

  2. sup isaiah, its me alan. I liked your about saturn, I found so,me facts I didn't know about saturn, just one question where did you get all of these facts from?
    here is a link to my blog
    blog you later

  3. Hi Tsaish, my name is Lyeza and I really like the way you did the facts about Saturn they'er really good. Would you like to be an astronaut when you grow up and explore Saturn? I think you should make your writing a little bigger so people can read it better.

  4. Hi linkon here from New Brighton catholic school i really liked the spinning cube things
    I was Looking in your blog then something cort my eyes and for a good reason i did not realize that the words pop up when you hover over it nice
    But how do you get the word to pop up?

  5. Hi its Archie from New Brighton Catholic school really like your post about Saturn it was very interesting,you taught me that titan is Saturn's biggest moon I never knew that. Next time you could make it so the interactive elements don’t move because it makes it hard to touch them.
    How do you make those genially things?


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